You know you're onto a winner when a huge corporation threatens to take you to court! Well, this is one of the many dramas that have rocked the pre-production of the notorious sickfest The Kentucky Fried Horror Show. Coming from the twisted mind of C. L. Gregory, who previously helmed the Hustler-produced porno horror Blood Lake, KFHS has not even begun filming yet and already it's promoted one scandal after another. From publicized fall outs with the likes of Jessica Simpson and Haylie Duff, to the recent feud with fast food giants KFC (who not only objected to the name, but also its violent content, claiming that such images should not be associated with their company).
"I just seem to piss people off these days," Gregory tells GoreZone, in an upcoming article, and that's no understatement! Simpson's bitchy comments were the least of his worries, though, when KFC demanded that the filmmakers change the name of the feature. As a compromise, Gregory shortened the title to The Kentucky Horror Show, though this was still unacceptable. In an unexpected turn, animal rights activists PETA issued a statement to GoreZone that claimed, "Kentucky Fried Horror Show should be the name of a documentary, not a fantasy film. KFC chickens are bred to be unnatural freaks, big, heavy and sick."
But there's more to KFHS than just controversy, the film is a host to various talents, including Child's Play stars Brad Dourif and Alex Vincent, adult actress Joanna Angel, Playboy regular Rachael Robbins and TV's Scarlett Pomers. Gregory gave GoreZone an exclusive read of the script earlier this year and one thing is for sure... expect blood, breasts and more blood! Subtlety certainly isn't one of his stronger points - after all, we're treater to a double murder and gratuitous nudity within the first few minutes - but he sure knows what horror fans want.
"I fucking hope to God this movie disgusts in some way the audiences. We have one scene in my film that is so over the top, so blatant, that I think will be talked about for a long time," he boasts cheekily, clearly eager to shock and offend in equal measures, though he does claim that the movie will have its humorous moments (the script had various digs at the differences between city slickers and Deep South rednecks). "There is one good scene in the beginning of the film that will be overtly sexual, full blown sex, but the end result will surprise you. But for the most part, the rest of the film 99.999% of it is straight horror."
For those of you who have been looking forward to KFHS, keep an eye out for our exclusive coverage in the neat future, featuring interviews with Gregory, writer Erin Gilmer, producers Rik Walters and Devin Reeve, FX artist Harvey Lowry, and stars Robbins, Mary Castro and Zoe Hunter. Whilst a release date has not yet been set, expect the film to appear late this year or early 2009. And if Gregory's attitude is anything to go by, expect something special when The Kentucky Fried Horror Show is finally unleashed... "I'm old school so I guess I feel that strongly about what's called horror these days and what's called bullshit. But we've got it all, a great set up, a great plot, fucking great characters that would make Charlie Manson proud and lots of gore and blood, so yeah, we've got it covered I think - and if that's not enough I'm sure I can find a midget to place in there somewhere!"
1 comment:
Hell yeah! Your blog is going to rock!
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